Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stylelife's Vegas Celebration!

This past weekend at the Venetian in Las Vegas, the celebration of Style's birthday and the 1-year anniversary of Stylelife Academy was held at Tao Nightclub.

Before the party began, I had the pleasure of being invited to dinner with Style, Sin, Evolve, and the rest of the Stylelife family. Tao really went all out on this one with a huge table for us and dinner on the house! Though with the ridiculous amounts of food and drink headed our way it didn’t seem quite big enough.

It was an amazing experience getting to eat with some of the guys that are considered “The Greatest” pick up artists in the world. I kept my ears perked hoping these masters would let some of their ingenious tips slip out...and it absolutely paid off. Throughout dinner, Evolve and Sin shared an enlightening conversation of astrology. Their knowledge of this subject was more than just impressive; it was downright applicable to the world of dating and attraction. That night, simply couldn't wait to try some of the new openers and DHVs I gained from the masters.

But this night wasn’t really about studying pick up...it was about fun and celebration. Soon enough I found myself pow-wowing with Evolve, just catching up, drinking, and having some good times…

Also got to do a little bit of hanging with Style, which is always a pretty cool experience. And of course where there is Style…there is drop dead gorgeous women as well…and he was kind enough to make sure everyone was properly introduced to each other…

From the appetizers to the desert, everyone had a wonderful time. Our palettes were overjoyed with ecstasy! In the club, all the Stylelife students and guys from the mailing list present would swing by Neil’s big table to say hi... it was like we were all old friends…even the guys who I was meeting for the first time.

Indeed, the sense of community and brotherhood was strong that night, perhaps only slightly outdone by the mass number of extraordinary women dancing seductively in the club. As much as I enjoyed hanging out with the birthday boy, it was time to part ways and take my night their direction…

What I learned…Voodoo + Women of Tao = insanity.

The girls in Vegas all seem to have this “Vegas” attitude. It’s not defensive or rude…but it is more like “Let’s party - keep up or get out!”

So what did I decide to do? Simple…I flipped it around on them and partied even harder than they could. I basically ended up laughing hard and rocking out all night long and any girls who couldn’t laugh just as loud or rock out with just as much passion were left in the dust. Not to mention, when your wing is another Stylelife moderator such as Bolshevik, an unforgettable night is simply inevitable. I'm sure he'll share his stories with everyone in the near future.

Since I had met many different Stylelife guys, whenever I turned another corner there was always another friend to say hi and chill with…massive social proof, and zero shortage of good company.

And it’s a good thing, because that party never seemed to end…bumping into all my old buddies never seemed to get old.

I ran into Style a few times throughout the course of the night (and early morning I guess because I think I saw him around 2am). Not sure what ended up happening with him. Though at lunch the following day, he hinted at “some unspeakable adventures” from the party and post "Rules of The Game"…considering some of the crazy stuff he has spoken about in his books, I can’t even begin to imagine what in the world an unspeakable adventure is for him now a days. Some may say "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas." I say,

“What happens in Vegas goes on the Stylelife blog”

It's a saying I feel will catch on in the near future ;)

From: http://www.stylelife.com/

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